
Installing PhpBB 3 forum

Today I installed PhpBB 3 forum on my linux hosting with MySQL database. Here are the quick steps:

  1. download the package from www.phpbb.com/downloads
  2. upload the contents of the package to the server
  3. write-enable certain directories:
    chmod 777 cache chmod 777 files chmod 777 store chmod 777 images/avatars/upload chmod 666 config.php
  4. open installation script in the browser:
  5. fill in the preferences and db connection details
  6. delete the install directory
  7. proceed to administration control panel (http://site.com/forum/adm/)
  8. walk through all the settings, create categories and forums...


PhpBB 3 Quick installation (original documentation)
PhpBB 3 users home

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