Google launched Knol, a social knowledge base similar to wikipedia. The idea looks very promising so I immediately jumped in to check it out.
The interface is (as usual with google) very simple and straightforward, it is very easy to write your own article in a minute.
- great idea
- simple (usable, easy to learn, easy to use)
- google-integrated
- colaboration (each article has clearly defined owners, authors and reviewers)
- licensable (for now you can choose from (cc-attribution, cc-attrib-non-commercial, all-rights-reserved)
- revisioning (versioning)
- commenting
- article summary
- reviews (you can post reviews on anything and link to your review will show up on the original page)
- referencing
- adsense integration
- no tagging? ...oh wait, there's an
alternative titles
field, but I think this is a bit confusing, the tagging should work more like what we're used to from other google products, e.g. mail, notebook... - too long and confusing urls (e.g. - maybe its just me and there's a way to view the article url, but i believe the addressing of the articles should be more clear to the user and/or simpler)
- lack of semantics (defining meta tags, relations to other articles, etc.)
- limited presentation options (styling, css, page layout, templating...)